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Laboratory Testing

Calculating Sensitivity and Specificity

The table below illustrates how sensitivity and specificity are derived mathematically:

General Decision Matrix
  Target Disorder  
    Present Absent Totals
Diagnostic Test Result Positive True Positive
False Positive
a + b
  Negative False Negative
True Negative
c + d
    a + c b + d a + b + c + d
    Sensitivity = a / (a + c)
     = TP / (TP+FN)
Specificity = d / (b + d)
     = TN / (FP+TN)
Gehlback, S. H. (2006). Interpreting the Medical Literature. Columbus, OH, McGraw-Hill Companies.

Question 1:


Refer to the table above and complete this example:

A total of 1500 children have a rapid strep test (RST) done by a standardized culture technique. Of the 1500 children, 1338 have a negative RST and 162 have a positive RST. In addition, a backup throat culture (gold standard) was done on all children. Of those children with a negative RST, 1302 have a negative throat culture. In the group with a positive RST, 159 have a positive throat culture. Calculate the sensitivity and specificity of the RST.

  Target Disorder
(strep tonsillitis)
    Present Absent Totals
Diagnostic Test Result Positive RST      
  Negative RST      
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  Target Disorder
(strep tonsillitis)
    Present Absent Totals
Diagnostic Test Result Positive RST 159 3 162
  Negative RST 36 1302 1338
    195 1305 1500

b = (a + b) - a
FP = Total Positives-TP
FP = 162-159
FP = 3

c = (c + d) - d
FN = Total Negatives-TN
FN = 1338-1302
FN = 36

Question 2:

Question 1:
What is the sensitivity of RST test for the diagnosis of strep throat?
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Question 3:

Question 1:
What is the specificity of RST for the diagnosis of strep throat?
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These data represent the actual sensitivity and specificity of most rapid strep tests. Because of this, in clinical practice, we trust a positive rapid strep and treat the patient based only on this result, but we do not completely trust a negative - a back up culture must be done to confirm that the patient truly does not have strep throat.